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Photo Manipulation
Arts District Citizen LogoBranding, PrintIdentity for a startup tabloid newspaper based in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles. This design was part of our work as founding Art Director.
Herbie, Fully Loaded: #56 CarFilm & Television, Photo Manipulation, VehiclesOld photos of the Ray Peyton Jr. #56 car from the movie. Given photos of the car shot on grass in a front yard (upper left), we were lucky to find some stock images that matched the angles and general lighting. Combined them, repainted the car and added the number and rear fender text.
Character Design: Grav Cutter™Character Design, Naming & Copy WritingGrav Cutter™ is an original character by Thought Nozzle's Bob West. This wild man is available for licensing for your feature film or television production, for print, animation, and other media. Contact us, and have Grav show up at your next party. If you dare.
Character Design: Grav Cutter™Character Design, Film & Television, Naming & Copy WritingGrav Cutter™ is an original character by Thought Nozzle's Bob West. This wild man is available for licensing for your feature film or television production, for print, animation, and other media. Contact us, and have Grav show up at your next party. If you dare.
Brothers & Sisters: McCallister Political IdentityBranding, Film & Television, Print, SignageIn the drama series, Rob Lowe's character runs for president. Here are two examples of the identity system we created for that campaign. Since some of the many placards and other applications couldn't be wide horizontals to accommodate the long name, I abbreviated it — and it caught on. The writers started having characters refer to him as “McC” in dialog. We love it when that happens.
Aether’s Edge: WebsiteWebThe website for the Aether's Edge book series by Cheryl Ammeter. The site's header elements – logo, clouds and tagline – dynamically shift as the browser window is resized, or the site is viewed in varying devices. Includes identity design and book cover creative direction. See the site in action at
Aether’s Edge: IdentityBranding, Illustration, PrintFor the second edition of her wonderful YA steampunk book “Ivey and the Airship” — part of the Aether’s Edge series — Author Cheryl Ammeter engaged us to serve as art director, designer and writing consultant. This is the series logo, used in the designs for the book cover, website, and collateral.
Scream Queens: Movie PostersFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, Photo Manipulation, PrintIn one episode, reality show contestants had to emote their finest emotiness for fictional horror movie posters. Given cleared movie titles, we provided tag lines, backgrounds and text art, plus guidance for the photographer. The women were shot against a green screen, then we comped them in, adjusted lighting, and added effects.
Pellerin Multimedia LogoBranding, Film & TelevisionIdentity for Michael Pellerin and Pellerin Multimedia, producers of behind-the-scenes DVD features for Peter Jackson's LOTR and more. Includes time machine motifs. Also created Flash animated version for the company website.
The Mick: Vertex LightboxesFilm & Television, PrintA pair of large lightboxes paying tribute to the founder/CEO of Vertex Outfitters, an REI-style outdoor gear company. Includes branding, all copy writing, and Photoshop.
Chuck: Nerd Herd SpymobileBranding, Film & Television, Photo Manipulation, VehiclesNerd Herd logo, plus skin design. Nerd chic.
The Mick: Vertex Outfitters LogoBranding, Film & Television, PrintLogo for Vertex Outfitters, an REI-style outdoor gear company.
Andy Dick: Kenny Drebsen MotivationalFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, PackagingIn these VHS tapes, Kenny Drebsen will teach you how to "Master Your Crack!" – whatever that means. Photos, titles and taglines provided. All remaining madness ours.
Chuck: Wilshire Stand Hotel LogosBranding, Film & Television, SignageLogo / signage for a classic upscale hotel... which Chuck proceeds to wreck.
Chuck: Intersect Control ScreensFilm & Television, PrintLarge backlit interface screen for the massive Intersect supercomputer – shown here in two states. Intersect knows all, sees all. But sometimes there are system issues...
Eli Stone: St. Vincent's Hospital LogoBranding, Film & Television, SignageSimplicity is the rule for identity that needs to feel real, but not stand out on screen.
Curbwear: Nocturnal TeeApparel, Illustration, Photo ManipulationT-shirt design for in-house apparel brand Curbwear™.
Campbell Agency: IdentityBranding, PrintSome of our dearest friends and longtime clients, Nancy Campbell and the Campbell Agency are model and talent agents. Over the years, we updated the agency's logo and collateral three times, maintaining brand equity but refreshing to keep up with the times. This version of the logo has been in use since 2009, with just one color tweak since.
Unspoken: Character DesignCharacter Design, PrintA self-assignment for a band poster including a punky new character.
Millar Financial: WebWebHighly customized WordPress site for a financial consulting firm. Created in Photoshop, sliced-and-diced by a vendor. WordPress sites are often defined by boxes whose edges are never broken, so this is a real break from the usual. Includes logo redesign.
Down with Love: KNOW Magazine CoverFilm & Television, PrintIllustration for a 1960s-era magazine cover story about how the blockbuster "Cleopatra" went massively over-budget. Featuring a cameo by Liz Taylor.
3rd Millennium Foundation: WebBranding, Naming & Copy Writing, Web3MF was founded in 1987 by David McTaggart, co-founder and former president of Greenpeace. The foundation came to us for a new web presence, and a refurbished logo. Included copywriting and editing and more. To date, this is one of our favorite web projects.
Andy Dick: Molly Sims TabloidFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, PrintThe show provided the cleared name of the tabloid, plus the headline in yellow, and the photos. We did the rest.
Be Cool: Rolling Stone CoverFilm & Television, PrintGetting clearance from a large magazine can take time. So instead of waiting for art or a template, we recreated the famous RS logo from scratch in Illustrator, researched their fonts, and laid out a cover and interior spread while we waited. After we sent them a comp, they approved immediately.
Chuck: Swiss Village Coffee ShopFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, SignageContour-cut sign for a coffee shop in a fictive Swiss village. Includes naming.
Tasteroids Cereal BoxBranding, Character Design, Film & Television, PackagingA special project for the cult-hit series Community, the prompt was, "A cereal called ‘Tasteroids’ – maybe with a monster.” Branding, character design, illustration and copy – with the usual Easter eggs – leapt forth onto this box.
Single Parents: Basquiat-Style Shoe LogoBranding, Film & Television, SignageIn the style of the late, great artist. Printed at scale to cover store windows.
Be Cool: Album CoversFilm & Television, Illustration, Naming & Copy Writing, Packaging, Photo Manipulation, PrintA few of many album covers created for the sequel to "Get Shorty." We named each of these bands and albums – and created each of the illustrations from scratch in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Ten Items or Less: Double Down VHS BoxBranding, Film & Television, Packaging, Photo ManipulationGiven a movie title, photos, and the concept – a parody of the movies Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd did together – we produced this VHS box. Morgan's review: “Hey, that's not bad!” We love making our actors happy!
Chuck: Nerd Herd LogoBranding, Film & TelevisionIdentity for Buy More’s famous IT service — a parody of Geek Squad. The logo appeared throughout the store, and on service/spy vehicles.
Colette Ching Real Estate: WebAnimation, WebAn interior page from a super-custom site, this time from scratch. The top of the home page header was a Flash animation with three scenes, using location sound recorded in Santa Monica, capturing the feel of the Westside.
Speechless: Concert PostersFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, PrintFor a backstage hallway at a London Concert venue, some posters – nondescript but still realistic, and a little faded. The trick to using stock images for most items in TV and film is to find not only images with the right subject and tone for the piece, but also that don't look like stock photos. Adding the right type effects and type treatments pull it together. Includes some artist and album/tour naming.
Sex Love and Secrets: Old Album CoversFilm & Television, Packaging, PrintSome well-worn period LPs, including scuffing added in Photoshop.
Aether’s Edge: Map of AetherIllustration, PrintFor the second edition of her wonderful YA steampunk book “Ivey and the Airship” — part of the Aether’s Edge series — Author Cheryl Ammeter engaged us to serve as art director, designer and writing consultant. Given the place names and a rough sketch of this world, we created this detailed map as one of the illustrations for the book’s interior, and it’s one of our favorite projects. Maps can take a lot of time to execute, but are often some of the most rewarding work we do.
Chuck: Buy More Logo BugBranding, Film & Television, SignageWe needed a bug to pair with the wordmark logo for the Buy More big box store, so this is where we went. Big and brash and goofy, just like the show itself.
Eli Stone: NewspaperFilm & Television, PrintA full front page covering stories including the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Includes writing of all headlines and stories.
Hop: Frankie the FerretCharacter Design, Film & Television, PrintA poster promoting Frankie, a lovable but mischievous ferret character who's the star of a kids' video game. Character design, illustration, branding.
Speechless: Aniello's Stained GlassFilm & Television, SignagePrinted using a special ink-build process to create the faux leading.
Brothers & Sisters: Shield Oil LogoBranding, Film & TelevisionBranding for a gas station. Corporate branding in a given product space has a specific feel to it; this logo evokes classic multinational Big Oil companies... simple, clean, masculine, and American.
Chuck: Film Festival PostersFilm & Television, Naming & Copy Writing, PrintA pair of posters for a French film festival, and a New Wave-style film. Includes movie naming and hand-cut lettering à la Saul Bass.
Curbwear: Deck LogoApparel, BrandingLogo / T-shirt design for in-house apparel brand Curbwear™.
Community: Hot & Brown LogoBranding, Character Design, Film & Television, SignageFor the coffee stand at Greendale Community College. The show provides the name and slogan, and we provide the rest, including the mascot, "Mr. Leer".
The Italian Job: Donald Sutherland Beard OptionsFilm & Television, Photo ManipulationCobbled together from three separate photos. Mr. Sutherland's review of the result: "Exquisite."
Three Rivers Pilot: Ranch Logo & SignBranding, Film & Television, SignageDesigned for a family-owned dude ranch in the Texas Hill Country, this logo was executed in routed and painted wood for two signs, and used as the show logo. Clearance issues led to the name change. Hey, Three Rivers... Four Rivers... whatever it takes!
Speechless: Revelations Board GamePrintA fake game cobbled together by Minnie Driver's character from an assortment of games – all fictional, created from scratch/stock images – with spinners, added labels, and logical game play. Assembled by the stalwart Speechless Art Department.
Community: Inspector Spacetime LogoBranding, Film & TelevisionSteampunk-inspired logo for the Doctor Who parody which took on a life of its own across the Interwebs. We would note that the following season of Doctor Who used a new steampunk-inspired open. Coincidence?
Rucker & Co.: Luke's Locker BannersPhoto Manipulation, WebFor Dallas agency Rucker & Co., two of several banners created for the Luke's Locker website. We love working with great photo assets, and great folks like Doug Rucker. And Company.
Brothers & Sisters: Nora Walker Wedding PortraitFilm & Television, Photo ManipulationCombining a photo of Sally Fields and a quickly-photographed wedding dress into a classic wedding portrait.
Brothers & Sisters: Seam LogoBranding, Film & Television, SignageLogo and signage for an upscale bridal shop.
Aether's Edge: Ivey Book CoverBranding, PrintFor the second edition of her wonderful YA steampunk book “Ivey and the Airship” – part of the Aether’s Edge series – Author Cheryl Ammeter engaged us to serve as Creative Director, designer and writing consultant. The cover art is by talented illustrator Wylie Beckert, with color editing, title logo, and more by us.
Hop: The Adventures of Alex & LizzieCharacter Design, Film & Television, Print"Two cows named Alex and Lizzie in a kids’ video game. Go!"
CelebWorx LogoBrandingA branding redesign and update for celebrity appearance agency CelebWorx, who specialize in actors who appear at pop culture conventions. Including the voice of a certain dinosaur.
Chuck: Nerd Herd Logo, ChromeBranding, Film & TelevisionA highly-polished rendering of the famous Nerd Herd Logo. Tailor-made for Chuck's tuxedoed-spy moments.
Chuck: Gristler Logo / SignageBranding, Film & Television, SignageA parody of Sizzler, this is one of a huge number of logos / signs for businesses on this action comedy.
Chuck: LargeMart LogoBranding, Film & Television, SignageIn the series, the Buy More big box store is Chuck's HQ. But a competitor moves in next door, requiring a new big, bold identity. The horizontal version was laid into location shots in Post, as storefront signage.
Author Donna Stoneham: WebsitePortfolio, WebThis website for author and executive/personal coach Donna Stoneham was rebranded and rebuilt from the ground up and launched on March 13, 2023, in time to promote pre-orders for her new book, "Catch Me When I Fall." This new build incorporates subtle motion design and branding elements that reflect the book's cover art. An update to the page for her previous book is also included, retaining that books branding but aligning the look with the new site's overall motifs. See the site at
The Muppets Mayhem: Wax Town Records LogoBranding, Film & Television, SignageFor The Muppets Mayhem - A logo marinated in groovy 1970s goodness, this art was used for all props and branding on the record labels' set, including dimensional signage.
3rd Millennium Foundation: IdentityBranding3MF was founded in 1987 by David McTaggart, co-founder and former president of Greenpeace. The foundation came to us for a new web presence, and a dramatically refurbished logo. We retained the basic nautilus concept, but otherwise started over from scratch.