In these VHS tapes, Kenny Drebsen will teach you how to “Master Your Crack!” – whatever that means. Photos, titles and taglines provided. All remaining madness ours.
Naming & Copy Writing
Scream Queens: Movie Posters
In one episode, reality show contestants had to emote their finest emotiness for fictional horror movie posters. Given cleared movie titles, we provided tag lines, backgrounds and text art, plus guidance for the photographer. The women were shot against a green screen, then we comped them in, adjusted lighting, and added effects.
Character Design: Grav Cutter™
Grav Cutter™ is an original character by Thought Nozzle’s Bob West. This wild man is available for licensing for your feature film or television production, for print, animation, and other media. Contact us, and have Grav show up at your next party. If you dare.
Character Design: Grav Cutter™
Grav Cutter™ is an original character by Thought Nozzle’s Bob West. This wild man is available for licensing for your feature film or television production, for print, animation, and other media. Contact us, and have Grav show up at your next party. If you dare.
Chuck: Film Festival Posters
A pair of posters for a French film festival, and a New Wave-style film. Includes movie naming and hand-cut lettering à la Saul Bass.