In one episode, reality show contestants had to emote their finest emotiness for fictional horror movie posters. Given cleared movie titles, we provided tag lines, backgrounds and text art, plus guidance for the photographer. The women were shot against a green screen, then we comped them in, adjusted lighting, and added effects.
Photo Manipulation
Ten Items or Less: Double Down VHS Box
Given a movie title, photos, and the concept – a parody of the movies Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd did together – we produced this VHS box. Morgan’s review: “Hey, that’s not bad!” We love making our actors happy!
Brothers & Sisters: Nora Walker Wedding Portrait
Combining a photo of Sally Fields and a quickly-photographed wedding dress into a classic wedding portrait.
Chuck: Nerd Herd Spymobile
Nerd Herd logo, plus skin design. Nerd chic.